Thursday, 29 October 2015

360 Rotisserie Ayam Golek @ Taman Dataran Larkin

话说第一次吃马来烤鸡 Ayam Golek 是在大约五年前的斋戒月。依稀记得当时我跟着马来同房和邻居们一起逛bazaar买开斋的食物, 我当时对马来食物比较陌生,所以很多食物我没听过,也觉得新奇。很多摊位在卖Ayam Golek, 一只一只的鸡被串起来烤,转啊转着烤,整个热烘烘。Ayam Golek香味扑鼻,色泽诱人,马上把我们吸引过去买一只回房分享。那次之后,没再吃过Ayam Golek,不是不好吃,只是很少逛bazaar, 买街边马来食物来吃了。

位于Larkin车站后方的新地段 Taman Dataran Larkin,就有一间开业不到半年的Ayam Golek 烤鸡店。以后来到Larkin车站就不愁没地方医肚子啦,还可以来新店铺走走逛逛!

Friday, 2 October 2015

Shopee - Free App for easy shopping and selling

I love shopping a lot. Walking around in malls and buying something I like make me feel good. However, recently I do not have much time to do shopping since I have started to work. So I need an alternative and Shopee app is the one!

My newly opened account! :D

Shopee app is a mobile marketplace which is really easy and convenient to use for both buyers and sellers. With its in-app functions, I can enjoy fast, smooth and safe transactions. I always feel insecure when doing online shopping as I am scared that sellers will disappear after paying them my money! However, this problem would not appear in Shopee app as Shopee Guarantee ensures that the seller ship only after the buyer has paid, and the buyer's payment is transferred to seller only after receiving the product. So good right! This system definitely benefits both buyer and seller! Plus, with Shopee app, now I can shop anywhere and anytime